🀝 Together, We Build the 'Learn & Earn' Center

EZ Wallet is a wallet of the community, fostered by the power of decentralized governance and strong community involvement. With so many competing wallets to manage digital assets, EZ Wallet stands above its peers with a unique user experience, design, and tools, driven by the amazing members of our community.

A key component of the EZ Wallet experience is our dedication to the continual need for web3 education and adaptability. We all benefit when everyone understands the need for web3 and how to properly use it for managing their digital assets. Our Learn and Earn Center allows every EZ Wallet user to have a head start, with quick and reliable resources to answer and educate any questions they may have.

🏦 Build the Learn & Earn Center with us

Now we need your help. The EZ Learn & Earn Center has endless resources from reputable and vetted sources to provide you with the best web3 education, but that isn’t enough. What questions or topics would you like to see discussed? Submit your own content, and receive early access to the Learn & Earn mockup of EZW.

Besides early access, contributors will be making sure the EZ Wallet community is providing useful and relevant content for its users and everyone in the crypto community.

πŸ“ How to Register

Step 1: Register to get a mockup link

Step 2: View the mockup link, and listen down your questions/content to appear in the β€œLearn & Earn Center”.

Step 3: Submit your idea to EZW (LINK) before December 27th, 2022

⏰ Deadline to register: From December 16th until December 20th, 2022

⏰ Deadline to contribute: December 27th, 2022

Register now at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfIyi4o7erN0IutB3Kt6JYPg578eJVVtBfVJGe8-dBHSxkWpA/viewform?pli=1&pli=1

Contribute quizzes at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd6OPA7btKDOsuPhDIDXZfkwNSK2EfC7dJdMv3jGYPymmXB2A/viewform

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